HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004/05/12 - ADMIN - Minutes - Charter Commission - RegularOFFICIAL MINUTES
May 12, 2004
City Council Chambers, City Hall
I. Call to Order
Chair Carper called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m
II. Introductions and Attendance
It was moved by Commissioner Jennings, seconded by Commissioner Hoft, to excuse the
absences of the following members: Paul Carver, James Schaefer, Brian Fiderlien, Michael
The motion passed: 10-0.
A. Members Present: Lynn Carper, Carol Walsh, Marilyn Hoeft, Cheryl Ernst, Brian Fiderlein,
Steve Fillbrandt, Jan Loftus, Nathan Busch, David Ornstein, Linda Jennings.
B. Members Excused: James Schaefer, Paul Carver, Michael Sixel.
C. Members Unexcused: None
D. Staff Present: City Clerk Cindy Reichert; St. Louis Park League of Women Voters Celia
Andersen; Karen Teagarden, Recording Secretary.
E. Vacancies: Two. Ms. Reichert presented a brief report stating that resignations have been
received from . Michelle Olmstead and David Johnson. An advertisement has appeared in the
City’s Official Newspaper, the Sun Sailor and applicants have until May 21st to apply to Chief
Justice Kevin Burke.
III. Minutes of March 10, 2004 Meeting
Note Changes and Corrections
It was moved by Commissioner Loftus, seconded by Commissioner Ernst, to approve the minutes
of March 10, 2004 as amended. The motion passed 9-0-1. Commissioner Jennings abstained.
II. 2004 Charter Celebration Task Force Update
Ms. Loftus thanked Ms. Reichert, Mr. Fiderlein, and Ms. Jennings, Ms. Walsh, and Mr. Carper
for their continued assistance. Ms. Loftus met with the City Council Study Session to give an
update on the Parktacular weekend and the Red Bus, designated for dignitaries past and present,
and their families. She was joined by Ms. Jennings, Mr Fiderlein, and Chair Carper. The parade
will include all commission members on the bus. A waiver agreement must be signed by all,
including family members, for insurance purposes. A representative can sign off on the list. The
date for the Bus Ride is Friday,
June 18th, at 6:30. Please contact Ms. Loftus to reserve your seat on the bus. No throwing candy
off of the bus.
Charter Meeting Minutes -2- May 12, 2004
Chair Carper discussed the parade, and asked participants to arrive between 5-6pm, no later than
6pm, vehicles earlier. Ms. Andersen recommended having participants dropped off. Ms. Hoeft
reminded everyone the parade ends at the Recreation Center parking lot, and cars can be parked
in neighborhoods.
A convertible is needed for the Grand Marshall. Ms. Reichert recommended contacting local
dealerships for assistance, or the Antique Car Club, which meets in City Hall. She said she
would research this.
Ms. Loftus mentioned the Scouts will do a Color Guard, as is the tradition.
Anticipated expenses include rootbeer and cookies. The rootbeer has been donated, and local
stories have been contacted for cookie donations. Commissioners Loftus and Carper contacted
Rotary for funding, and has received $150 thus far. The kegs of root beer will be delivered to the
event on Sunday.
Discussion included set up times for Fair Share, which is Saturday 1-5. Set up could be 12:30pm
at the picnic shelters in the pavilion amphitheater area. Volunteers are needed for two shifts 1-
3pm; 3-5pm, two people for each shift. A volunteer sheet was passed around. Please contact
Ms. Loftus to volunteer. Ms. Loftus will be emailing people as a follow up for commitments
from the people not present at the meeting.
Program Sunday includes Jim Rhodes, Gail Dorfman, Cam Andre, Frank Howard, Lyle Hanks,
Jeff Jacobs and Tom Harmening to talk on Then & Now, with a 5 minute anecdote each from
their time in office. Then there will be a public reception in the Fair Share area.
Two people are needed to carry the parade banner. Chair Carper asked all to consider their
children or grandchildren with adult supervision. He thought children under age 8 should not be
considered, as the distance is long and banner could get heavy. The deadline for families to
submit their interest for consideration is June 8, 2004.
Ms. Hoeft mentioned the $185 expense for the banner. Chair Carper discussed the process of
taking quotes, possibly getting the banner donated. Ms Reichert thought the banner could be
displayed with the Mayors’ Pictures in City Hall. Ms. Loftus mentioned cash donations,
possibly talking to commission members. One donation has been made.
The posters are 11” x 17”, and will be ready June 1st, needing to be hung by June 6th. Mr.
Fiderlein volunteered to help coordinate distribution. Ms. Reichert volunteered to cover
buildings in City Hall, Community Center, Athletic Facilities. Other volunteers are to take 15
each and hang in local stores. A list will be made so there is no duplication of effort.
Mr. Fiderlein wondered about publishing an instruction list for the parade. Chair Carper said the
only specific instructions are for staging only.
Chair Carper passed around the official letterhead and logo, by Kelli Burrows. He encouraged
people to sign up for Charter Booth and the food.
Ms. Jennings reported on the Education component, the Community Education offering to set
dates for the Citizens’ Academy. There will be 3rd Grade field trips, including the Spanish
emersion class, and busing. Judie Erickson is helping to plan the 7th Grade events.
Charter Meeting Minutes -3- May 12, 2004
Mr. Jorvig may do a power point presentation before school starts. This event will be offered
from mid-September through mid-October. Ninth Grade civics will be held in April.
Audio Visual will be the core element, for more consistency, information and greater number of
The goal each year is to coordinate with volunteers at the schools. Ms. Jennings will draft a letter
to schools for availability, specific dates and times, and ask City Staff for presentations and to
sign up.
The Citizen’s Academy and School Programs are the core of the celebration.
Ms Reichert said the City can do the printing for the 3rd Grade class in house. Chair Carper
wanted to speak to sponsorship of the material, and that he and Commissioner Loftus will talk to
Rotary. He also encouraged all commissioners to talk to the companies they work for seeking
sponsorship. He noted companies are more willing to give where names will be displayed in
evidence of support of a project, rather than just giving money.
Ms. Jennings said the Citizen Involvement Guide is to be presented at the Academy and
distributed through Neighborhood Associations.
Ms. Hoeft wondered about the cost per student to take the class. Ms Jennings said the Adult
Enrichment coordinator thought a $10 commitment, for three or four weeks.
Mr. Fiderlein discussed the press release which was forwarded to Lynn Schwartz. Information
will be included in city publications, neighborhood newsletters and distributed to members of the
historical society. They have all of the mayor’s photos on a disc, and materials for the
Chair Carper reminded everyone donations are tax deductible.
IV. Review of Chapters 8, 9 & 10
Ms Reichert noted the City Attorney upon review has no suggested changes.
Chair Carper noted the commission is satisfied with the Chapters, as suggested.
A motion was made by Commissioner Jennings, seconded by Commissioner Ernst, to accept
Chapters 8, 9 & 10.
Motion passed 10-0.
Discussion ensued regarding section 1.04 previously reviewed. Comments had been received
from Joel Jamnick, City Attorney stating language which had been reviewed and voted upon to
be changed, should remain as originally written in the section.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fiderlein and seconded by Commissioner Loftus to rescind
recommended change to section 1.04.
Motion passed 10-0.
Charter Meeting Minutes -4- May 12, 2004
Ms. Hoeft noted a change to page 8, section 1.04 - a space is needed before Sec. 104.
Ms Reichert also informed Commissioners that regarding the city’s statutory authority to issue
bonds, only a simple majority is required. If bonds are issued by the city outside of statutory
limitations, six votes of the council are required. The city’s bond counsel will be submitting
clarifying language to the commission at a future date for their consideration.
A motion by Commissioner Fillbrandt, seconded by Ms Jennings, for the City to work with the
bond counsel attorneys at Kennedy & Grath to provide clarifying language on bonding authority
6.15B, 6.15A.
Motion passed 10-0.
Ms Reichert said that once the commissions review is complete, all revisions will be submitted to
the city council for review. Changes to the charter can only be made with unanimous consent of
all councilmembers.
V. Future Meetings
Discussion was held concerning taking a hiatus for the summer. Ms. Reichert shared concerns
for finding volunteers during the summer to continue helping Ms. Jennings with her
The next meeting of the Charter Commission was tentatively set for Wednesday, September 8,
2004, at St Louis Park City Hall – room location to follow. The agenda is set to review changes
to Chapters 11 and 12.
V. Other Business
Ms. Andersen, League of Women Voters, invited Charter Commission Members to a luncheon
on June 12, 2004, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters. This group
was instrumental in getting the Charter signed; it was their first project.
Ms. Reichert reported the City Code is still on the Web, but editorial services for maintaining the
document on the web was discontinued due to budget constraints. Changes are now made in
VI. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Carper adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Cynthia Reichert
City Staff Liaison and City Clerk